HP TET 2023 Himachal Pradesh Board of School Education has announced new dates for the Himachal Pradesh Teacher Eligibility Test. Candidates can check the revised schedule of the HP TET 2023 exam on the official website.
HP TET 2023
The official website of HPBOSE is hbbose.org.
According to the revised schedule, now the HP TET 2023 exam will start on December 12 and end on December 15.
HP TET 2023 exam will be held in two shifts from 10 to 12.30 am and 2 to 4.30 pm as per the scheduled time.
Subject test date
TGT (Arts) TET 12 December 2023
TGT (Medical) TET 12 December 2023
Punjabi tet 13 December 2023
Urdu TET 13 December 2023
JBT TET 14 December 2023
Shastri TET 14 December 2023
TGT (Non-Medical) TET 15 December 2023
Language teacher TET 15 December 2023
Let us tell you that the board had released the complete revised schedule on the official website on December 7 itself.
Now TET examinations of Arts, Medical, Punjabi, Urdu, JBT, Shastri, Non-Medical, and LT will be conducted from 12 December to 15 December.
Earlier these exams were to be held from November 29 to December 13, but they were postponed. Now the revised schedule for these exams has been released.